Saturday, July 18, 2009


We had satsangh at chennai,satsang with sadguru means joy and wonderful.A sadhaks house is situatedon on the sea beach.It rained heavily in the evening.we were feeling fresh .air.the air on seabeach smells different,we could hear the sound of waves,.the rose garden was beautiful with beautiful roses.dim lights were was melodious.All sadhaks were busy in sipping hot soups.for my surprise there was a swing in the garden.i always liked swingsI thought of my student days of primary school. we used to walk 6kms up and down daiLY .tHERE WAS A BIG BANiYAN TREE.we used to love swinging holding the go up and come down,you forget whole feel you are floating.all my memories came back and i decided to swing!!I just cheked the swing to know whether it is strong enough to take a quintal weight!!without hesitation,i sat on the swing and forgot the world.I felt somebody is stopping the swing and turned bak.sure there was a person who was concerned about me .{or the swing ,donot know}be is ment for children only.may not be for you.
but i was sure the swing was strong enough to take my weight.Alas another person started coming towards me.I knew what will happen next minute,he is called ""commander'.he is 6 foot and above.he came slowly near me and stood.I knew what is next. I was ready to hear,sharada ,better be careful,not to take risk at this age.It has rained,slippery,I advice you not to swing,donot be foolish,this is for children,be serious..but i just waiting to hear and heard nothing like that.what happend?surprise.he took the swing in his hand.pushed me gently,slowly,:enjoy yourself,you may not get an oppurtunity like this again,smiled and said bye.tears rolled on my cheeks,didnot know what to say?How diffeerent he was from normal he understood me.,and my he made me happy by not mentioning my obesity.IT IS altaf bhai.ALTAF BHAI THANK U can i express my humble gratitude to you.I wish altaf bhai crowd increases and we obese women can swing and smile .sharada.

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